Peoria Gold Teeth and More now offers permanent gold teeth in 18-24k gold! We have the expertise and equipment to give you the best experience in the midwest for permanent gold teeth.
- Permanent Golds (Starting at $225/tooth)
- Permanent Platinums (Starting at $650/tooth)
- Permanent Diamonds (Prices Below)

Si3 (Starting at $850/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Si2 (Starting at $875/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Si1 (Starting at $900/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Si (Starting at $950/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Vvs3 (Starting at $1000/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Vvs2 (Starting at $1150/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Vvs1 (Starting at $1200/tooth GHIJ or KLM)
Why Permanent Gold Teeth?
For ages, gold teeth have been equated to wealth, riches, and fortune. By displaying your brand new gold, platinum, or diamond grill, you put yourself ahead of the rest. Leave the crowd behind and trust in our expert process for permanent teeth! Peoria Gold Teeth and More will provide the most exclusive teeth on demand. Look at some of our clients to see the quality of work we employ!
Let us know what you need below, and we will make it our priority to get you right!

Book Your Appointment below and talk with Rio about your request!

Enter your details below in order to ask questions about permanent gold, platinum, or diamond teeth from 18k – 24k now!